Bike Fit

my approach


Bike fitting here at Y Beic is a two-way process between you, the rider and me, the fitter.

My background and experience has derived from competitive cycling, bike fitting carried out on myself (traditional, digitally and via aerodynamic specialists) and underpinned by course attendance inputs from NJD Sports Injury Centre, Clitheroe.

The whole process is reliant on honestly between us and sharing the information required to get you into the position that is mechanically and physically sound for you without aggravating existing or creating injury.

the process


1. pre fit

It usually starts from the booking phase by enquiring what your needs and requirements are, the timescale you are working to (remember that any changes to existing fit will have to be adapted by the body & mind) and any existing or historic injury concerns.


2. the fit

I follow a simple principle of the “three points of contact” (feet, bottom and hands) on the bike which should be discomfort free to make you a happy and efficient cyclist by allowing the cycling muscles within your body to be engaged and efficient.

I will measure and test the angles of the body during the pedalling process utilised the tried and tested old fashioned methods and continually checking and testing with you through active conversation.

I will be able to check your shoe / cleat set up along with the pedal to shoe interface and query any aspects or issues that may affect this alignment (foot stance / arch issues etc). I have a stock of the most popular cleats and I also have a selection stems of various lengths to assist in the process.

Any physical changes that need to be made to the bike can be discussed during the session with no obligation for any remedial work to be carried out by me (if you already have a mechanic that you use). Advice can also be offered as to what item(s) need to be purchased and where.


3. post fit

I tell all my clients to keep me updated with how the fit feels after a few rides out on the open road. If any additional advice or tweaking needs to be done, just get in touch and we can sort that out for you.



What do I need to bring with me?

Well, you, your bike, your regular cycling shoes and shorts plus some warm clothing to put on after the session.

How do i book a service?

Booking a service at Y Beic is pretty straight forward and can be done by email, phone / text. All these details can be found on the contact us page.

How long does it take?

Up to two hours. There is a lot of trial and error but don’t worry the fit won’t end until you and I are happy.

COVID-19 / other restrictions?

In line with government guidelines, utilising protective coverings, Screening Questionnaire.

Do you offer advice on sizing for new bikes?

I do not, at present, have a rig facility to measure for new bikes to purchase, however this can be progressed and discussed through any current bike size compared to the sizing charts offered by most manufacturers.

How much does it cost?

Currently priced at £60

What People Are Saying


I had a bike fit and service done with Emyr.  Very knowledgeable, professional and friendly with a quick turnaround time, my first race on the TT bike felt great. I would highly recommend. Diolch Emyr 👍

— Rachel Davies


Went to Emyr for a bike fit after thinking I could do it myself and getting it wrong in many areas. Three bike rides later and i can honestly say it's the best I have felt on a bike in years, no more aching shoulders or shocking cleat position. Emyr is very knowledgeable and a great guy who makes you feel at ease straight away and his passion for cycling is clear to see. My only regret is I waited so long to go.

— Andy Morrissey