about me


Hi my name's Emyr. 

A mad sportsman all my life with a bike featuring from an early age (the norm for people of my generation). It’s how I used to get around, on two wheels, I just fell in love with the sport and that’s where my passion for cycling began.

Cycling took a front seat once age demoted the other (impact) sports to the back seat and once in place I embraced it wholeheartedly including active participation in racing, travelling, mechanics and its history.

Eager to absorb everything about the sport, I have travelled to the iconic climbs of the Alps, Pyrenees (along with those closer to home), the traditional warm weather camp destinations and also the sites of the fabled Classics in France and Belgium, both recreationally and at organised events.

As the passion grew, so did the eagerness to compete and expand my knowledge of how the machine I love actually worked. This was aided by building good contacts and relationships with local cycling clubs and mechanics, sowing the seed for what would evolve into Y Beic.

I have successfully competed locally and Nationally within the Time Trial discipline, which has led to me being exposed to developing trends and techniques within the sport and industry

With retirement from Public Service came the opportunity to be able to realise my dreams of working with bikes and their riders. The years of public servant in me could not be changed and it has allowed me to build a service dedicated to all cyclists and more than just a business. 

It’s what I love to do. 

